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Re: [ARSCLIST] Steve Jobs urges labels to set the music free

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger and Allison Kulp" <thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Steve Jobs urges labels to set the music freeKatie Allen, media business
> Wednesday February 7, 2007
> Guardian Unlimited
> Major record labels are expected to start stripping copyright protection from
their music downloads within the next six months after Apple chief, Steve Jobs,
forced the issue with an open letter to the industry.
Note that this DOESN'T say "set the music free"...on the contrary, it
says "Set the music free TO US, so we can use it to make money, of
which we'll give you a little bit...!"

In the meantime, the entertainment industry is now using the (unproven)
Montreal origins of a few pirated movies to try and convince Canada to
copy the "eternity + 50 years" copyright term for sound recordings...!

When the lions, tigers and bears start fighting over the best bits
of the prey, we smaller animals are very likely to be eaten by accident...

Steven C. Barr
(who is wondering if the recording industry will confiscate and destroy
all my 40,000-odd 78's, since the wording on the early Victor label
gives them that right...)

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