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[ARSCLIST] Fwd: Re: [AMIA-L] Firesign Theatre Looking for recordings of their Work

This came across on the Association of Moving Image archivists email list and I thought the ARSC and Ampex list members might be able to help out. I know there are Old-Time-Radio lists and while Firesign Theatre is not Old-Old-Time, it's getting on to forty years old...so if there are other lists out there, please forward. This is a shame that this wasn't saved. I know we can't save everything, but...

For those unfamiliar with Firesign Theatre, I first heard them in 1969 and found their humour and satire amazing--but I only know them through their released recordings.

Please keep copying Nan Rubin so she knows where the query is going.



Date:         Thu, 8 Feb 2007 23:48:43 -0500
From:         "Rubin, Nan" <RubinN@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To:           AMIA-L@xxxxxxxxxxx


Firesign collectors - got something in your collection that Firesign's never officially released? Something taped off the radio, captured from TV, or bootlegged from a live performance? Firesign is embarking on a passel of CD reissues, featuring some long-buried treasure from their archives, and unfortunately that archive has holes. If you've got something we need, Chucko, there may be some simoleons in it for ya. (No promises on how much.)

We're especially looking for:

*       Radio Free Oz airchecks
*       Magic Mushroom radioplays
*       The Les Crane Show, 1968
*       Unedited Radio Hour Hour airchecks
*       Unedited Dear Friends airchecks
*       About a Week, 1971

Got something? Tell us about it. Give as many details as you can, including date, venue, channel, duration, your source media, how you recorded it, and particularly if this is a dub or a master. Be sure to include your name, email, and general geographic area.

If you have audio, we'll probably be asking you for a sixty-second MP3 sample; or if you have video we'll be asking for screenshots.

* * * * *

Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX
Detailed contact information: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/contact.htm
Quality tape transfers -- even from hard-to-play tapes.

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