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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger and Allison Kulp" <thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx>
> Which was why so many people were able to hear Jean Shepherd at night.I heard
him the last seven years he was on,and I lived outside Baltimore.( I was eight
years old,when I discovered him.)WOR came in like gangbusters every night.I have
heard people as far west as Missouri,and as far south as Georgia,who could pick
him up.
Well...back in the "olden days" when most folks listened to AM radio
(FM was mostly classical and commercial-free, and wasn't on most
inexpensive radios...) there were certain AM frequencies that were
reserved for "clear channel" stations. In some cases, there were small,
low-power "day only" stations that shared the frequencies...but in
most cases there was one (sometimes two or three, widely separated
geographically) station that used that frequency after sunset (when
low-frequency stations start to "skip" for hundreds or thousands
of miles...). There were even a few frequencies that were reserved
for Canadian stations, usually CBC (who quit AM broadcasting a few
years back and thus could no longer be heard in most of North
America...?!). I used to "DX" on the AM band...and most of these
"clear channel" stations were like "shootin' fish in a barrel!"
However, I did bring in KFI a few times.

OTOH, I took advantage of this situation to listen to blues on
WLAC most evenings...

Steven C. Barr

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