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Re: [ARSCLIST] Technical committee. Ipod, etc.


Sorry for the late response to your post, but as a member of the ARSC TC, I do take your considerations seriously.

I can tell you that our company is wrangling with these types of issues all of the time, as there are different types of ring tone file types based on the network provider. Then, there is the issue of "what do we archive"? Is it the source (.wav) file only, or do you grab all of the different carrier versions? For many of our label clients, this has become a part of the delivery requirement (don't get me started on voicemail clips, etc.). Our default is to collect EVERYTHING when possible.

Of course, most of the time, the ring tone is merely a snippet of the stereo mix file that went to replication for CD manufacturing, but is that all we should concern ourselves with? There is also the issue of metadata (mostly for tagging and search) that accompanies the e- commerce files (iTunes, etc.). There is a group called DDEX (Digital Data Exchange) (http://ddex.net/) that is working towards the standardization of this subset of metadata to enhance the hand-off to e-commerce sites.

Good post, these are major issues - born digital content is coming to an archive near you very soon.....


John Spencer

On Jan 25, 2007, at 8:57 PM, Steven Smolian wrote:

It's time the technical committee addressed the many issues being generated by the ipod, computer downloads of various types and cell phone recordings. Files from these and other popular audio sources will be coming quickly into audio archives of all kinds. It is necessary to prepare our members to welcome them with a smile rather than fear or, worse, disdain. I'll be bringing the topic up at the Music Library Association's Preservation committee meeting.

It may also be time to revisit the issue of video when combined with audio.

These are major issues. Rather than decry their inherent low quality, it think it ARSC's mission to prepare our community as to how best to deal with this certain influx.

Steve Smolian

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