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[ARSCLIST] Yo' pod

You're brave, you know that??.  I'd be the first one to greet cell phone 
preservation with fear, loathing and, yes, disdain.  Digital is so 
great--everything can be preserved, but not for long!

Steven Smolian <smolians@xxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx>
01/25/2007 09:57 PM
Please respond to
Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx>


[ARSCLIST] Technical committee. Ipod, etc.

It's time the technical committee addressed the many issues being 
generated by the ipod, computer downloads of various types and cell phone 
recordings.  Files from these and other popular audio sources will be 
coming quickly into audio archives of all kinds.  It is necessary to 
prepare our members to welcome them with a smile rather than fear or, 
worse, disdain.  I'll be bringing the topic up at the Music Library 
Association's Preservation committee meeting. 

It may also be time to revisit the issue of video when combined with 

These are major issues.  Rather than decry their inherent low quality, it 
think it ARSC's mission to prepare our community as to how best to deal 
with this certain influx.

Steve Smolian

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