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Re: [ARSCLIST] Edison factory fire

Edison and his electric car.  

You don't mess with big oil,be it John D. Rockerfeller,or Halliburton.They run the country,in more ways than one,the same way that mafia dons used to run things. I'm surprised Edison didn't turn up dead,because of this.

                        Roger Kulp

Steven Smolian <smolians@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: A new book, "Internal Combustion" strongly implies that the 1914 Edison factory fire was deliberately set, probably by the pertolium interests, as Ford and Edison were on the verge (and had alread announced) a battery-operated electric car and national recharging system.  This is from the intro- I'm just getting into the book proper.  I don't recall the author's name (the book is in my car) but he also wrote "IBM and the Holocaust."   

Steve Smolian

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