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Re: [ARSCLIST] Digital in a post-digital universe--was: Interesting WSJ Article on when libraries should discard their holdings

From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad

Scott Philips wrote:

> All depends on point of view, doesn't it ? How will humans be
> destroyed..? Will we do it, will God (or your choice of such) do it,
> will a comet do it, will some disease do it? You have to love how humans
> try so hard to plan for everything, as if we could. Just as often, when
> something bad does happens it comes from a direction we could never have
> expected anyway.... !!

----- well, metal parts (negatives, mothers, stampers) would have a better 
chance of surviving.

----- but - and here I am thinking about one episode from "Twilight Zone" we 
need interfaces to the stored material. In the episode, everything is 
destroyed, but the library stands, and the avid reader looks forward to a 
lifetime of reading (not that it will necessarily be long, though). But his 
glasses have broken in the destruction ................

Kind regards,


> -----Original Message-----
> On 07/01/07, Scott Phillips wrote:
> > Cindered planet means the 78's are nothing but ash anyway. Jokingly, 
> > your argument only works before the time man had the ability to 
> > destroy itself in a few microseconds. A meteoroid or comet would toast
> > every thing on only one side of the planet, just killing all the 
> > living beings on that side. J/K. It is all a very circular argument, 
> > isn't it...?
> It is perfectly possible to have a general collapse of civilisation
> without reducing the whole planet to ash. I had in mind a Dark Ages
> situation, and in particular the disappearance of electrical power.
> However, a large meteor strike would affect the whole planet, not just
> the side it strikes. 
> Regards
> --
> Don Cox
> doncox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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