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Re: [ARSCLIST] Libraries disposing of records

On 06/01/07, Tom Fine wrote:
> Richard said all this better than I could and I'd just like to add
> that I'm on record many times in this very forum bitching about the
> quality of CD reissues. BUT, the doesn't mean I don't think the CD
> SHOULD sound better. It just DOESN'T. You guys who claim to hate CD's
> so much -- how many of you have a CD player a D-A converter on par
> with your record player? News flash -- a poorly designed CD player
> sounds poor. Just like a phono cartridge. Just like a phono preamp.
> I've been in several "I hate CD's" audiophools' homes and noted the
> cheapo Wal-Mart on-sale CD player next to the $10K phono setup. That's
> an irrelevant comparison and thus condemning CD's based on it is an
> ignorant statement.

Some people formed their opinion from the early CDs produced in the
1980s, before the advent of 20 bit or 24 bit recording.

There is a clearly audible improvement in most recent transfers of
analog material compared to 1980s transfers of the same recording. Some
of this is better technology, some of it is greater care and more
experience. In the early days, there was a good deal of shovelware
thrown onto the CD from second- or third-generation tapes.

Some of these are still on sale. I bought a Beatles album recently
(thinking I should at least have one). This is an old transfer and so
poor as to be unlistenable. It seems to be the only version on sale.

> Anyway, though, I'm done fighting that stupid old saw of format wars.
> You guys argue it out. Roger, your post proved me right. Those old
> media that demand those prices are COLLECTABLE not ACCUMULATIVE JUNK.
> I never said toss it all, I just said save what's important and focus
> on it as opposed to bottom-trawling everything. The collector's market
> has obviously figured out what they consider important.

Don Cox

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