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Re: [ARSCLIST] Interesting WSJ Article on when libraries should discard their holdings.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Don Cox" <doncox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> On 04/12/06, Kiwi O'Connell wrote:
> > I would like to put a different slant on this, being a sound
> > archivist. I have worked on hundreds of oral histories, many of which
> > have a transcription which accompanies them. In my experience, I have
> > found that many of the transcriptions do not reflect the intention of
> > the spoken word. The transcriber has put a whole new meaning to what
> > was meant by the 'talent'.
> This has implications for the Quran, the Gospels, and other books
> containing records of what some important person is supposed to have
> said.
Actually, AFAIK, it is only the most dedicated among the fundamentalists
who are willing to ascribe ABSOLUTE truth and reliability to the current
(or any other recent) version of ANY "holy scripture!" Were any such
document to be introduced as evidence in a court of law, it would take
a mattor of seconds before battling lawyers shot any such claims right
square in the fundament...!

Steven C. Barr

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