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Re: [ARSCLIST] laserdisc

Yes, but the registration problems can be adressed in the digital domain
if the separation negs still exist. Disney did it for Snow White quite
effectively! And that was 3 strip!

I stll revel in the 2 strip process- even with it's limitations.


>>> david_breneman@xxxxxxxxx 12/29/2006 3:27 PM >>>
--- Aaron Z Snyder <azs@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Whoopee!! is the best-preserved example of a 100% two-color
> Technicolor film
> I've ever seen. Most of them have very limited color range, and
> after seeing
> Whoopee! I'm now convinced that the phenomenon was due more to
> fading than
> the deficiencies of only two colors. It definitely deserves DVD
> treatment.

"Whoopie!" has been shown occasionally on TCM.  I got a decent
Hi-8 copy of it off that channel before our cable company
began compressing the hell out of the signal.  Although the
primaries used in 2-strip Technicolor reproduce flesh tones
quite well, there is no way to produce blue.  Look at all
those greenish-gray Palm Springs skies in the opening of
"Whoopie!" and you can see the deficiency.  But the main thing
that killed two-strip Technicolor was a quality control
problem.  The lab was so rushed with orders that they started
sending out films with registration problems, color fading,
and other defects caused by rushed production.  The films
produced eyestrain, and soon black and while was a selling
point for films.

David Breneman         david_breneman@xxxxxxxxx 

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