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Re: [ARSCLIST] Recommended software to make an iPod dump its library to iTunes on a second computer

You know, guys and gals, one of the reasons I spend so much time reading the
ARSCList and the 78 list, is to try to retain some sort of connection with
my callow youth, when life was much simpler, and, in many ways, more
satisfying.  The concept of "Customer Service" has changed dramatically; the
emphasis seems often to be on an alternate definition of the word
"Service."  Anybody who has had a problem and had to deal with Apple, MS,
HP, Intuit, to name only a few, knows.  My very favorite thing is the phone
system that offers you a choice of going 'round and 'round with a never
ending electronic voice, or spending $49.95 to speak with a human who lives
many time zones away.  Many thanks to Steven Barr for the help removing
QuickTime from my registry.  Kindest regards to you all.

-- Frank B Strauss, DMD

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