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[ARSCLIST] Personal report of CDRs failing

Hello all -

I just received a letter from a colleague and thought I'd pass it on. Has anyone heard of, or know of, the effects that he's reporting to me? I sent him these CDRs about 2 years ago.

Here's the letter:
Just a note to tell you that now more than half of all the CDRs that you've sent me
have failed. The problem is not yours alone but widespread, so I don't hold any individual 
responsible for being able to control it. I am also having failures from almost every 
one that has been sent to me by a friend on the east coast.
The failures are not isolated to the use of labels nor to a particular brand of disk.
I have been going thru a process of recopying my own home made disks, 
especially of my LP transfers, and surprisingly out of several HUNDRED of 
them, only two or three were bad.  I have probably used fifteen different 
brands of blanks and six or seven different drives.
The one thing I do know about mine is that they were all recorded at 1x, or 
2x, and only a few at 4x.  Of the failed disks from my friend on the east 
coast, I am informed that he usually made them at 24 to 32x and in some 
cases even faster.
I have now 21 PCs, some with DVD drives; also at least ten stand alone 
players including brand new decks and portables.  So the problems are NOT 
old, deficient machines that won't play CDRs. But the ones that I now can use 
are the very ones that I *recopied* right after I rec'd them.  And I copied 
them at 2x.
My theory is that the faster disks do not burn deeply enough and that the 
dye changes over time.  According to the CD Rom FAQ article there is also a 
report that sometimes disks fail *after a few plays*, the playback laser 
causing further changes in the dye.

Lani Spahr

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