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Re: [ARSCLIST] Dating LPs ?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Don Tait" <Dontaitchicago@xxxxxxx>
> Hello D. Blake Werts,
>   There are sources that might help you, but you'd probably have to search
> for them. There might be on-line sources, but I don't know about them. Perhaps
> other members do and if so will respond.
>   A primary resource is Record Ratings, The Music Library Association's Index
> of Record Reviews by Kurtz Myers, edited by Richard S. Hill. I own the first
> volume, which goes through 1957 or so. I believe there were volumes for later
> years, but do not know for sure. Other members surely do. The book lists
> reviews in various publications by month and year, so it's good for
> dating.
>   The only other source I can think of, and a more accurate one, is the
> monthly Schwann catalogues. You might need need years and years of them to get
> release dates you seek. Some dealers sell them however, and issues after the
> early sixties seem to be priced at about $5.00 maximum for each.
There were also (IIRC) publications aimed at radio stations and/or
record retailers that appeared monthly (in some cases weekly?) and
listed all the LP's issued by participating labels. Seems to me
the Canadian such perriodical was "RPM"...

Sam's main (Yonge Street) store had a loose-leaf collected set of
this or some other publication, which enabled one to look up
catalog numbers by artist or album title...this was very helpful
if one had a vague idea which album one desired, but no details

Steven C. Barr

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