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Re: [ARSCLIST] ^ InSearchOf: Batch Editor to REVERSE WAV files

At 12:06 AM 2006-12-17, Steven C. Barr(x) wrote:

Still...define "reversed" per .wav files...?!

Hello, Steven,

Here is the application: I have a bunch of two-track mono tapes that need to be digitized (29 to be precise). They are oral histories. Both sides were recorded with the same recorder (as it turns out, the entire batch appeared to be recorded with the same recorder with the azimuth out the same amount on all tapes).

So, rewinding the tape and playing it through gives me a nice play wind and both sides transferred in one pass. BUT it leaves me with the first side reversed end-for-end. In other words, playing backwards.

Using an 8-channel 44.1/24 card (these were recorded at 1.88 in/s) I can ingest four tape machines simultaneously. I used four Sony APR-5000s. One tape was 3.75 in/s in the last batch, so I did that on the Studer A810 NAB 2-track since the APR-5000 I had it on wasn't set up for 3.75 with the slow-speed NAB head stack (slow speed 3.75 to 15 rather than 7.5 to 30 in/s). I get the APRs to do 1.88 in/s by using -50% varispeed and a specially aligned register (there are three alignments per speed for each of 12 heads for each of three speeds, or 108 memory locations per machine)

Since no noise processing was involved, it doesn't hurt a thing.

Also, since it was recorded on the same machine, although it's counter-intuitive, draw it out...you'll find that the azimuth error for one side ends up being the same for the other and you get correction when played backwards. It's not 2x worse.

So, I had 28 files and reversing them takes about 5-10 minutes (24 bit 44.1, 90 minutes each) Not something you want to sit and do manually when you can do it in a batch.

I feel good about buying a Canadian product to do this, although my primary editor, Samplitude from Magix, comes out of Germany as do the Algorithmix plug-ins I use for various cleanups. I'm not sure GoldWave will see a lot of use, but it will be fun to experiment with their filters and other batch things. Although with Samplitude, there is no latency to apply almost any effect (reversing is one that doesn't follow this rule) as most effects are done real time.

The average file I have to reverse is about 750 MB mono.

I know...more than you wanted to know, but the key do doing this is reliable, QC-able, but fast workflow. I have had my fill of simulating being at a party and listening to four conversations from four different speakers for a while. I didn't see (in the waveforms) nor hear any major head clogs--although 1.88 in/s is not very high-frequency rich in reel recordings. The 3.75 one was a breath of fresh air.



Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX
Detailed contact information: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/contact.htm
Quality tape transfers -- even from hard-to-play tapes.

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