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Re: [ARSCLIST] The ways CD's and DVD's can fail.

I must be lucky because I just haven't had more than less than a handful of discs fail over time, so far. And we're talking generic green-dye cheapos written on with a Sharpie. I just last week had to recover some WAV files from one of those. I had a very careful listen to them in the workstation because I was curious, especially about the effect of the Sharpie ink 5 years later. They were fine, except I didn't have as good a DAW or analog playback gear back then! Hopefully, I can report back in 15 more years. I store my data CDR's and DVDR's in paper envelopes in shoebox-type cardboard boxes, so they don't get direct sunlight or dust.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Richter" <mrichter@xxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] The ways CD's and DVD's can fail.

Charles Lawson wrote:
Ronald Frazier writes:
I honestly think the MAM-A Gold discs are the best in the world at this time

I, too, still have the best general results with these discs. However, quality control on MAM-A gold discs continues to be an issue for me and the problem is growing worse. I am now averaging five discs per pack of 25 that arrive with debris, fingerprints or oily smears on them when they come out of the shrink wrap. I have begun a collection of bad discs to return to the factory. The fingerprints should make tracking the careless party pretty simple...

Visually inspect all discs before you plop 'em in your drives...

Caveat emptor,


My experience with faulty discs is almost exclusively due to attempts to rescue those sent or discussed by others. It appears that the most common reasons for disc failure are mishandling and poor original recording. In time, the instability of the dyes will come into play, but a well-recorded CD-R treated with reasonable care will surely last a decade and presumably many decades. I know that error rates do not increase noticeably over a decade because I have recordings I made in the early and mid 1990s which test today as they did when freshly burned: no recognizable increase in C2 errors.

Mishandling takes many forms. Solvent-based markers are known to leech through the acrylic lacquer atop the disc; the data lost cannot be recovered and often enough the disc will not stabilize in a drive to permit sector-level recovery. Some dyes - notably the cyanine and phthalocyanine which are otherwise desirable - are more sensitive to light and possibly to heat than others; exposing discs with them to sunlight for a few hours bleaches out the information. Scratches can also be significant, but if severe are easily buffed out.

Poorly recorded discs are vastly more sensitive to failure over time than those recorded with low error rate. In an attempt to get 'better' recordings, many are writing at speeds below the optimum for a given medium and drive with results as unsatisfying as writing above the 'sweet spot'. For archiving, it seems to me essential that each batch of blanks be tested to determine optimum recording conditions and quality to be expected when they are used.

It is my advice to those seeking personal archives to consider practical issues such as those above before choosing to invest in high-price blanks. MAM-A gold may have better life under ideal conditions than a high-quality silver disc, but if it is not as well written in your drive, the advantage will be lost. At best, the improvement is not enough to take shortcuts in other aspects of good practice; one should still make two masters on different media to be stored separately. In the real world of finite resources, the choice of medium is only one factor in the expected life of an archived disc.


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