On 11/2/06, Rod Stephens <savecal@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tom Fine's recommendation, I recently purchased and installed
CardDeluxe in my ancient computer. The sound quality increased
wonderfully, although the A/D .wav files that I had done with the
earlier card still sounded fine and did not need retransfer. The main
advantage in my mind is the more enjoyable playback of everything sonic,
and when I'm doing "cleanup" on audio files, the new sound makes it
easier to hear and locate clicks and pops.
Rod Stephens
I recently bought a new computer with the Intel D975 dual core processor, no
sound card, sound from mother board. It is absolutely awful sound quality.
After hearing Tom Fine's praise for the Carddeluxe on several occasions, I
am finally going to order one. Found them at a place called JD Sound, on
the internet, $339.95.
Frank B Strauss, DMD