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Re: [ARSCLIST] Alaskan Audio collection on eBay

Robert Hodge wrote:

> Yes- Any one who would give these a proper home  has much better
> playback equipment already. He should separate the machine out and lower
> his starting bid.
>   The machine isn't a piece of junk, but was built as a warhorse player
> for school AV type use.
> Bob Hodge

Matter of fact, I've been looking for a portable 16" player (a school player with a 12"
turntable is fine). It would come in handy on hunting trips (Be vewy quiet..I'm hunting
twanscwiptions!) or in the gawage, er garage.


> >>> thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx 10/30/2006 4:33 PM >>>
> This price includes the player for 16"
> transcriptions.I still think the opener is waaaay to
> high.
>                           Roger Kulp
> --- John Ross <johnross@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > There's a potentially interesting collection of
> > historical audio from
> > Alaska currently on offer through eBay:
> >
> >
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200040755108
> >
> > $50 per disk sounds like an excessive price, but
> > maybe they're worth
> > that much to somebody as a collection. Or maybe
> > he'll accept a lower
> > offer if nobody bites at $1500.
> >
> > John Ross
> >
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