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Re: [ARSCLIST] Radio News and Sports Reports

Hi Suzanne,
for a start you can watch a 14-min-film on "The Murder of Emmett Till", 
from the docu "Eyes on the Prize", a chronicle of the Am.CR Movement.
You can watch and d-l it on Google Video (->"world war II",strangely).
Here you can listen to a.o.family members of Emmett. I'd also like to 
mention the Studs Terkel 1971 interviews on "Race", which go about many 
hours. they are in real audio, but you surely have a way to record them.
Between 1948 and 1950 there was a US radio series called "Destination 
Freedom", dedicated to CR.You can obtain these progs thru US OTR collectors.
If you go the C-SPAN radio archives: There you can listen to LBJ's White 
House Phone calls. Various b'casts with calls of May-August 1964 deal with 
the CR question. Somewhere in the WWW, you can find 59' with Fannie Lou 
Hamer ( 6.X.1917-14.III.1977), Civil Rights activist, leader of the 
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, exc. of her interview with Colin 
Edwards in Berkeley. This is part of a Pacifica 40th Anniversary Prog N°3.
And not to forget Malcolm X. There was a year or so ago a series on NPR on 
the trial vs the murderers of the three CR activists / students Schwerner, 
Chainey and Goodman "Mississippi vs Edgar Ray Killen", with interviews and 
So, there are many item for you. Hope this can help a bit.
Bernhard Wichert, Germany

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