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Re: [ARSCLIST] More open reel supplies questions

What was in that green and leader that Radio Shlock sold? I've never run into
any that doesn't squeal. And for that matter, the leader the BBC added to reels
it sent out in the 80s is also very sticky stuff. (On the other hand, the tape
they were using, Zonal, has never given me a problem.)


Steven Smolian wrote:

> Just to put myself on the record (tape?).
> I have not used paper leader for years.  When exposed to moisture, paper
> swells afar more than plastic and casues stress- usually ripling- inside the
> tape pack.  It tears.  Much of it is not acid free and becomes brittle with
> age.   I can always count on having to replice splices which open up on
> older tape which uses paper leader.  I hate the stuff.
> I'm sure static electricity can be a problem with plastic leader but it's
> one I've very seldom encountered.
> Steven Smolian
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Christie Peterson" <cpeterso@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 8:42 AM
> Subject: [ARSCLIST] More open reel supplies questions
> > Does anyone know of a vendor for 3M #67 splicing tape (1/4") that doesn't
> > require purchases in huge quantities?
> >
> > Alternately, does anyone have experience with the product that US
> > Recording sells as "archival" quality splicing tape at
> > http://www.usrecordingmedia.com/usrprstsptaf.html ?
> >
> > Also, could anyone recommend a vendor for acid free 1/4 " paper leader?
> >
> > Thanks again for all the responses to my first inquiry, and in advance for
> > this one.  Feel free to reply on- or off- list as you see fit.
> >
> > Christie
> >
> > --
> > Christie Peterson
> > Project Archivist, Muskie Archives & Special Collections
> > Bates College
> > 70 Campus Avenue
> > Lewiston, ME 04240-6018
> > (t) 207-753-6918
> > (f) 207-755-5911
> >

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