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[ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference 2007: Call for Presentations

The following message has been posted by the Outreach Committee of the
Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC). If you have any
questions, please click on the link or e-mail address below. Please DO NOT
simply hit REPLY or post further messages to this list.

Proposal deadline: November 11, 2006

ARSC invites submissions of program proposals for its 41st annual conference
in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May 2-5, 2007.

ARSC is dedicated to the preservation and study of sound recordings -- in
all genres of music and speech, in all formats, and from all periods -- and
welcomes program proposals on any aspect of recorded sound of interest to
our community of collectors, historians, musicians, preservationists, and

This year, we particularly encourage presentations that speak to the theme
of "Victorians and Their Music Machines," in connection with our scheduled
visit to the Sanfilippo Victorian Palace. Presentations that address the
specialty of our host institution, the Ward Irish Music Archives, or that
deal with recording activities in the Milwaukee area are also welcome.

In general, we seek talks, papers, panel sessions, and demonstrations that
are informative and well organized, display a passion about their subjects,
and include compelling audio and/or visual content.

The deadline for receipt (not postmark) of proposal submissions is November
11, 2006. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by the end of January
2007. According to ARSC policy, presenters must register for the conference.

For more information or a proposal form, visit
http://www.arsc-audio.org/conference2007.html or contact Patrick Feaster,
ARSC Program Committee Chair, at pfeaster@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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