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Re: [ARSCLIST] On the beaten 8-track...

Some of us, or at least I, currently drives a car with a cassette
player, and there will probably be one in the next used car I buy. Has
anyone had any luck with the cassette insert adapters for use with
IPOD's or portable cd players?

Memory flashback
" Supertramp "Crime of the Century","   This and The Eagles "Hotel
California" were the only 2 tapes a friend had in high school for his 8
track, so I know how these sound in a Pioneer Super Tuner car deck all
too well!!!!  And all the time I spent later fixing the tapes that broke
or lost their proper loop. Maybe that just goes with why I'm in this
business, but now for fixing archival cassettes instead of fixing the
Doors Live for the umpteenth time!

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David Breneman
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 12:20 PM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] On the beaten 8-track...

--- Steven Smolian <smolians@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> There seems a market for 8 tracks wherever 1970s pick-up trucks are
> being restored.

I actually sent my few remaining 8-tracks (Styx "Equinox",
Supertramp "Crime of the Century", McCartney "Wings over
America", ELO "A new World Record", Beach Boys "Endless
Summer") to a fellow on the MG Cars mailing list who
was restoring a mid-70s MGB and had obtained an 8-track
player for it, but lacked any tapes.  He was quite
grateful. :-)

David Breneman         david_breneman@xxxxxxxxx

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