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Re: [ARSCLIST] "All hail the analogue revolution..."

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jonathan Wise" <jonathan.wise@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> http://crave.cnet.co.uk/digitalmusic/0,39029432,49283730,00.htm
> "...What pleasure is there to be had in clicking a virtual button with a
> mouse? Very little, really. Whereas the slightly precarious operation of
> placing a record on a platter and dropping the needle seems like a
> surgical procedure of a kind that most modern automation has tried to
> completely erase..."
And to that, I must add this:

The pleasure of physically PLAYING a "RECORD" increases many times 
when the phonorecord in question is a shellac record intended to
be played at something close to 78rpm! These are actual, physical
artifacts of an age long past...for the earliest ones, artifacts
of a time when the mere fact that sound could be recorded at all
and thus made available to listeners far away in time, space or
both from the original recorded performance was considered little
short of amazing!

In fact, you are looking at an object which probably brought
pleasure to someone(s) close to, or over, a century ago...and
can still bring pleasure to at least a few folks now, generations

Steven C. Barr

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