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Re: [ARSCLIST] Non-RIAA preamp

In the phase encode/decode discussion of RIAA, did anyone mention that speed is critical? If the disk was recorded slow or fast, you'll have a hard time getting proper frequency response. And many older playback decks ran slow or fast, again making the frequency response and phase wrong. But the absolute worst is off centered pressings that cause a constant change in phase and frequency response. Makes me sick on really bad ones. AND, many RIAA stages are off by at least 1dB. If you compound all the errors, it's enough to make you listen to MP3. Oh, let's not forget tangency error, groove pinch.... It's a wonder they sound as good as they do. The best solution for these problems would be to play back on a Nakamichi turntable (automatic disk centering) and introduce RIAA in the computer. Sadly, I don't have the Nakamichi table. But can't you fix the speed in the computer, then do RIAA? I'm going to get someone to show me how to do that one of these days. Phillip

Parker Dinkins wrote:
on 9/9/06 8:56 PM US/Central, steven c at stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

About 20-odd years ago, I had a Heathkit receiver...forget the
model. Anyway, it had been written up in audio magazines as probably the
best receiver then available...and it had (I think only in FM stereo mode)
a "Phase" control which could be used to put the two stereo channels in
correct phase (a problem so far not mentioned in this thread).

Maybe it was this one:


Enlarged photo showing "Stereo Phase - Pull to Set" control


--- Parker Dinkins MasterDigital Corporation Audio Restoration + CD Mastering http://masterdigital.com

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