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Re: [ARSCLIST] Underscore in file names

--- "Daniel G. Epstein" <dan@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Take
> for example, the file name "My Demo CD - Take 1.aiff".  If you use
> the
> command 'ecaplay' (a CLI audio player for Unix) to play the file
> like this:
>   $ ecaplay My Demo CD - Take 1.aiff
> The filename will be interpreted as distinct files separated by the
> spaces:
>     My
>     Demo
>     CD
>     -
>     Take
>     1.aiff
> Obviously, this won't work.  However any of the following will
> work:
>   $ ecaplay 'My Demo CD - Take 1.aiff'
>   $ ecaplay "My Demo CD - Take 1.aiff"
>   $ ecaplay My\ Demo\ CD\ -\ Take 1.aiff

I doubt if you're going to get the freestanding dash
to work no matter what you do.  It will be interpreted 
as indicating an argument to the ecaplay command, and
will result in an error such as "ecaplay: - Take: invalid
argument."  No matter how you slice it, whitespace in
file names is just plain A Bad Idea.

David Breneman         david_breneman@xxxxxxxxx

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