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Re: [ARSCLIST] Underscore in file names

Don Cox wrote:

It is best to avoid any other punctuation marks, too, as they may be
wild cards in various situations. Stick to A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and underscore.

Let me give a related example in seconding Don's recommendation.

I recently received a RAR archive in which the filenames included umlauted vowels. They were represented in the archive as narrow rectangles and could not be extracted individually.

Fortunately, the archive as a whole could be extracted and the intended characters appeared. The result could then be compressed - umlauted vowels and all - with ZIP and the names were seen correctly in that archive.

With the restricted character set, you can be reasonably confident that names of reasonable length will be handled as intended. The farther you deviate from ISO 9660, the greater the chance that someone will have trouble.


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