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Re: [ARSCLIST] Underscore in file names

Ganesh.Irelan@xxxxxxxx wrote:
For those of you using computer files for archiving, do you use space bar spaces in your file names or underscores? Is there a reason to avoid space bar spaces in file names?

Yes, there is reason for avoiding spaces in filenames. The underscore is the only punctuation permitted in strict ISO 9660 naming except for the period which separates the extension. Therefore it is correctly read and correctly interpreted in all platforms and with all programs. The "space bar space" is a separator in some filesystems and for some programs. For example, a long filename may be split at a space when a mail client or other program wraps the line. It can also be misinterpreted as a hex character in the wrong place, hence appears as "20" in the filename and lead to a file not being found.

You need not use strict ISO 9660 naming, but variation comes at a price in interoperability.


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