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Re: [ARSCLIST] Cataloguing still :-)--was: Cataloguing again--ARSC responsibility?

On Thu, 31 Aug 2006, Don Cox wrote:

> I checked out a couple of Google's PDFs.
> One is Jerrold's "Mrs Caudle's Curtain Lectures". This has been scanned
> from a good copy and is presented as a collection of bitmap images - if
> you wanted a text file, you would have to OCR the images yourself.
> The resolution of the bitmaps is enough for reading the text, but
> nowhere near high enough to reproduce the illustrations (wood
> engravings) accurately. As I am interested in the history of
> illustration, this would not be useful for research.
> As with master tapes, there is a need to preserve the original objects.
> Lossy copies are not enough.
> And how about those who are researching the history of printing, or of
> book-binding?
> If the University is purely a teaching institution, with no research,
> then none of this matters - although I don't think such a place can
> really be called a university.

I agree...


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