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Re: [ARSCLIST] Some advice on cassette decks?

I am not as particular as som ehere, but would venture to say that ALL cassette decks hace azimuth cintril - it is just a matter of how small a screwdiver and how delicate an operation you want to do. I hear the Nak Dragon does it for you though...

Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Aug 31, 2006, at 10:56 AM, Craig Breaden wrote:

I am embarking on a fairly large project involving digitization of
audiocassettes. None of the players in my archive have an azimuth
controller. I have two questions: is Nakamichi my best or only choice if
I'm looking for this capability, and does anybody have a recommendation on
where I should buy? If I have to go with ebay, I'll need to make a fairly
strong argument to our accounts folks to make that plunge ("ebay" is
anathema to them), so if there are some ebay stores that you rate highly,
that info would be helpful too.

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