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Re: [ARSCLIST] Advice on cassette decks?

From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad

Steve Weiss wrote

> Hi Craig,
> Azimuth can also be adjusted using a Cedar's AZX+ Azimuth Corrector.
> http://www.cedar-audio.com/
> I've never used the unit so I don't know if artifacts are noticable. I 
> doubt an outboard unit is the preferred method of correction. In my 
> opinion, getting your playback equipment to read the recording at an 
> optimum  is always the best way to approach a transfer.

----- I have to protest most emphatically. The AZX  c a n n o t  correct the 
frequency response loss caused by azimuth error, it can only align in time 
whatever stereo signal you retrieve with this loss. It is only a time 
alignment machine. When you align the tape heads you automatically get both 
(well, caveats, but that is for higher specialization).

Kind regards,


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