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Re: [ARSCLIST] Damping (was: Can 78s sound better than LPs?)

see end...
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lou Judson" <loujudson@xxxxxxx>
> Omigod! Look what google turned up:
> Put a sock in it
> Meaning
> Request to be quiet.
> Origin
> Early gramophones had no volume controls. To play them more quietly you
> would need to put a sock into the trumpet.
> From:
> <http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/292100.html>
> I would never have believed it. I first heard the term on Eastenders on
> PBS...
> <L>
> Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio
> 415-883-2689
> On Aug 27, 2006, at 5:54 PM, Matt Sohn wrote:
> > "put a sock in it"
I suspect the original expression may have related more to the
human mouth! The average (adult) sock is of a convenient size
to fill any number of orifices, thus deadening any sound output
thereof...ranging from phonograph horns to the sound-output
orifices of humans! So...what was stuffed with a (one hopes clean)
sock first?!

Steven C. Barr

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