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Re: [ARSCLIST] Podcasting--explained a bit...

Steven C. Barr wrote:
>I would doubt that...if only because of the existence of Bing Crosby,
>whose recording of "White Christmas" sold (IIRC) over 20 million copies!

For many years "White Christmas" was the biggest selling single title but Caruso remained the biggest selling artist after you counted up the sales of all of his titles from the beginning. Many remain available and are still selling a significant number of copies. Another perennial was Frank Sinatra who would frequently be the biggest selling artist of the year during the '70s despite no one title showing up anywhere on the charts.

I haven't seen any statistics about this in at least 20 years but it was an amazing bit of trivia. Another interesting one was the fact that Thriller had become the biggest selling album of all time yet it represented less than 5% of overall sales during the period it topped the charts. Had it been a toothpaste, it would have been considered a dismal failure! In reality the record business is amazingly wide open but folks love to blame their failures on movie mogul mythology.

Bob Olhsson Audio Mastery, Nashville TN
Mastering, Audio for Picture, Mix Evaluation and Quality Control
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