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Re: [ARSCLIST] Can 78s sound better than LPs?

Speaking of this subject (while remembering those 45rpm 1980s 12" maxi singles, and having heard some good 78s reocrded properly and in good condition),
I can only wonder how 78rpm record can sound by using mix of modern and past
technologies: f.e direct cut for lacquers with wide groove and pressing in
finest (but thick) vinyl, properly centered and carefully made... Probably
with magnificent dynamic, resistant to microscopically large scratches or
dust, and capable of something that 33.3rpm micro record was never capable

Unfortunately, it was 33.3rpm standard invented as needfulness for
synchronizing playing early sound movie pictures. And God knows, what
tomorrow brings.

"Forgotten" audio format, and that 78rpm phonograph record to modern
technology surely is, can have its renaissance...

Best wishes,


----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Olhsson" <olh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Can 78s sound better than LPs?

Marcos Sueiro Bal wrote:
My question is: is the 78 "system" inherently an inferior product?

It is inherently a superior product however this allowed greater liberties to be taken in manufacturing quality.

For the life of me I don't understand the rationalizations people make for
using less than the best available audio technology. Degradation is always
a downhill spiral with additional degradation never being obscured by the
original level of degradation.

In the case of analog disks, every single play degrades the source. There
is no legitimate excuse for ever using less than the very best audio
technology available.

-- Bob Olhsson Audio Mastery, Nashville TN Mastering, Audio for Picture, Mix Evaluation and Quality Control Over 40 years making people sound better than they ever imagined! 615.385.8051 http://www.hyperback.com

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