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Re: [ARSCLIST] Podcasting--explained a bit...

--- Lou Judson <loujudson@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Steven, I wonder if there is a idfference between and archivist and
> a 
> record collector? You definitely seem to be the latter. I wonder if
> someone can get a grant to come and actually archive and digitize
> your collection?!?

I got the impression that what Steve had in mind wasn't a
preservation project, but to produce a podcast "radio show"
of music from 78s.  If that's the case, there's no reason
to retain the original wav files (although it would be
nice) after each show is produced, and the only cleanup
necessary would be to make the material more "accessible"
to modern listeners - not the kind of exacting noise
reduction regimen used by professional restorers for
commercial releases.  

David Breneman         david_breneman@xxxxxxxxx

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