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Re: [ARSCLIST] 3M 996

I have had a similar experience with some reels of 996. Interestingly
enough, what tipped me off was they were included with a collection of
mostly 226 reels. Baking did the trick for the 996. 
Of course I'll check out any back coated 3M stock nowadays.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Lennick [mailto:dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 10:24 PM
Subject: 3M 996

Here's a tape I don't think I've seen discussed here, 3M's 996. Was this
last gasp at analog tape for professional use? I have a few reels of the
and I just ran one through my fingers to check for sticky shed....it
stick or squeal (although the inside hub feels tacky, for some reason)
but holy
mackerel does that stuff leave your fingers (and presumably your heads)
It sheds, but from the back coated side.


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