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Re: [ARSCLIST] 2 GB file limit

I haven't had the chance to work with it much -- moved offices, boxes
everywhere -- but it is my understanding that, with the WaveLab 6 update,
there is no longer a 2GB limit.


Quoting Konrad Strauss <konrad.strauss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> We are in the midst of switching from CD to workstations for our live
> concert archival recordings. The resulting audio files will be stored on
> the
> university's mass storage system. For obvious reasons we plan to use the
> broadcast wave format.
> So far we have experimented with both Cubase and Wavelab. We really like
> Wavelab because of the metadata entry into the BWF header, the ability to
> imbed markers in the files, batch file handling and conversion features,
> editing, CD burning etc. But we are running smack up against the 2 gig
> file
> limit for Wav files which gives us only about 57 minutes of interleaved
> stereo at 24/96.
> So, there are a couple of options. Wave64 file format will allow us to
> record bigger files, but are not BWF compliant or universally supported.
> There is an option in Wavelab to record longer BWF files, supposedly this
> will convert them to Wave64 once the 2 GB mark has been passed, but the
> resulting files, while OK in Wavelab, are unrecognized by other programs.
> On
> the other hand, Cubase can record standard BWF files of any length which
> seem to be OK in other programs.
> The obvious solution is to use the split function to break files into
> smaller chunks while recording in Wavelab, or to go ahead and record the
> big
> files in either BWF or Wave64 format, break them into smaller chunks in
> post
> and render as BWF. So I'm wondering how others are handling this issue.
> Is
> there any other software we should be trying?
> --
> Konrad Strauss
> Director of Recording Arts
> Associate Professor of Music
> Jacobs School of Music
> Indiana University
> http://php.indiana.edu/~kstrauss
> http://www.music.indiana.edu/department/audio/

Brandon Burke
Archivist for Audio Collections
Hoover Institution Archives
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6010
vox: 650.724.9711
fax: 650.725.3445
email: burke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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