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[ARSCLIST] FW: [MLA-L] Fw: JISC consultation: _Gramophone_

Forwarded message from the Music Library Association list, which was forwarded from a musicology list.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Music Library Association Mailing List
> [mailto:MLA-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Darwin Scott
> Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 1:26 PM
> To: MLA-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [MLA-L] Fw: JISC consultation: _Gramophone_
> Hi there --
> See below for move to digitize the complete run of 
> Gramophone. Support from 
> librarians would certainly be helpful to the project. And, 
> well, think of 
> all that space that might be gained if Gramophone were online 
> via a reliable 
> source.
> Cheers,
> Darwin
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Darwin F. Scott, M.L.S., Ph.D.
> Creative Arts Librarian
> Library and Technology Services      Electronic Resources Group Leader
> Brandeis University                             Notes Music 
> Review Editor
> P.O. Box 549110 / MS 045                phone: 781-736-4680
> 415 South St.                                       fax: 781-736-4719
> Waltham, MA 02454-9110                 e-mail: dscott@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "J. P. E. Harper-Scott" <j.p.e.harper-scott@xxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <MUSICOLOGY-ALL@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2006 1:51 PM
> Subject: JISC consultation: _Gramophone_
> | Forwarded message from Daniel Leech-Wilkinson
> | <daniel.leech-wilkinson@xxxxxxxxx>
> | *************************
> | List members may be interested to hear that there is a funding bid
> | currently shortlisted by JISC to put the complete 
> Gramophone magazine
> | and its quarterly catalogues online.
> |
> | The proposal is that the whole run from 1923 to 2006 should be
> | available, to the general public by subscription from Gramophone and
> | to the UK education community free of charge, together with the data
> | from all Gramophone's discographical catalogues (classical and
> | popular) since 1953. The discographical data will be incorporated
> | into the CHARM online discography and so will be free to all.
> |
> | At the moment JISC is running a public consultation to find out how
> | much interest there is in each of the shortlisted projects. 
> In theory
> | there is a ca.1-in-4 chance of each project being funded, 
> but support
> | from potential users could make a real difference. If you'd like to
> | have access to all this material, and can spare the time to say why
> | it's important to you and to the wider community, then do consider
> | writing a contribution to the online blog.
> |
> | For JISC's summary of the shortlisted projects go to
> | http://jiscdigitisation.typepad.com/jisc_digitisation_program/ and
> | scroll down to Bid 9: King's College London (and excuse JISC's
> | spelling of Gramophone).
> |
> | To get to the blog and post a comment follow the link to
> | 
> <http://survey.bris.ac.uk/jisc/digiconsultphase2>http://survey
| Thank you for your support.
| Dan Leech-Wilkinson
| ______________________________________
| Dr J. P. E. Harper-Scott
| Lecturer in Music
| Department of Music
| Royal Holloway, University of London
| Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, Great Britain
| +44 (0)1784 443949
| http://www.rhul.ac.uk/Music/jpeh-s.html
| ______________________________________

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