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Re: [ARSCLIST] bargain du jour

Actually, unless I am mistaken the price is six Million dollars not six thousand. That seems a bit on the high side if you ask me and the "provenance" is basically laughable. There is not a single shred of
evidence to suggest a chain of ownership that leads to Robert Johnson
or anyone associated with him or his estate. Wishful thinking seems
to weak a term to describe this absurd assertion.

Aaron Levinson

Roger and Allison Kulp wrote:
  Experienced eBay watchers,know sellers will try anything.$6000.00 seems awfully cheap,if this were genuine.Look at the prices,of some of the other items on the site,like the Hitler Mercedes-Benz documents,which do appear genuine.This is just wishful thinking on thier part.
  Roger Kulp

andy kolovos <akolovos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dick Spottswood wrote:

This has got to be some sort of weird joke or Art Project, right? That's the only way I can think about it without my head exploding.

For my "Exhibit A" I present what seems to be the meat of their discussion on the instrument's provenance:

"How Can We Prove This Is The Holy Grail?
It was when the Complete Recordings Box Set was released
in 1990 that it really hit home.
It is unquestionably a picture of our guitar."


And here I am thinking that establishing provenance might mean actually tracing a line of ownership back to Robert Johnson...silly me!

It is a joke, right?


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