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Re: [ARSCLIST] Asperger's Syndrome (was How Vinyl Records Are Made Part 1)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jonathan Wise" <jonathan.wise@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> The following information about Asperger's Syndrome may be of interest
> to anyone who has followed Steve Ramm's link to YouTube's "world's
> greatest collectro":
> Asperger Syndrome (AS) is a neurobiological disorder that is part of a
> group of diagnoses called "autistic spectrum disorders." The term
> "autistic spectrum" refers to a range of developmental disabilities that
> includes autism as well as other disorders with similar characteristics.
> The following are a number of signs and symptoms that might be
> associated with Asperger's Syndrome:
> -inappropriate or minimal social interactions 
> -conversations almost always revolving around self rather than others 
> -"scripted," "robotic," or repetitive speech 
> -lack of "common sense" 
> -problems with reading, math, or writing skills 
> -obsession with complex topics such as patterns or music 
> -average to above-average verbal cognitive abilities 
> -average to below-average nonverbal cognitive abilities 
> -awkward movements 
> -odd behaviors or mannerisms
> Source: www.MedlinePus.gov
Yup...found out last year that I probably suffer from it...and always have,
since it isn't something that develops or UNdevelops over time!

Lemme see..."inappropriate or mimimal social interactions" (does Ecru the
cat count? We get along quite well!) "Lack of 'common sense'"...yup, been
accused of that many a time..."problems with reading, math, or writing
skills"...well, the first two were precocity (learned to read, write
and figure before I was three!) and as far as the last, I'm a good
writer of non-fiction (no fiction skills) but I defy ANYBODY to
read my chicken scratches!..."Obsession with complex topics such as
patterns or music"...guilty on ALL counts! Part-time blues musician,
blues songwriter, heavily into programming, especially databases, and
assembled my Dating Guide (which proves we autistics can be useful!)...
"average to above-average verbal cognitive abilities" (in other words,
I'll talk the arm off a plaster saint, given the chance, as long as
it isn't "social niceties!")..."Awkward momements" (no wonder I always
almost failed Phys Ed...you should see what happened after I fell and
suffered minor brain damage. including "loss of fine motor skills" and
"loss of balance mechanisms"... "Odd behaviors or mannerisms" (Well, 
you've read my posts, and a few of you know me in person...all I can
do is plead "Guilty  as charged, your worship!"...)

In fact, I'd known for sixty years I was weird as they come...and
finally had a big name for it! So, I'm NOT crazy...just autistic...

Steven C. Barr

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