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Re: [ARSCLIST] Community Radio

Well, at our little station it is first come, first served. I have seen no
and there is nothing wrong in being zealous of one's time slot. That helps
foster responsibility. I have seen no elbowing out of "interlopers."

I understand that you have had some bad experiences but those shouldn't
on the subject of community radio itself. I've worked at two stations now
my complaint has been the same one--old and malfunctioning equipment. But it
is all donated and that has to be expected.

But the people have been supportive and helpful.

Perhaps you might question your approach and attitude.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger and Allison Kulp" <thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Community Radio

> I would loooove to !!!
>   However,most community radio stations,have an established group of on
air "talent", who are loath to give up thier time slots.As I said;they have
thier own little onair fiefdoms,and don't take kindly to intruding
interlopers.They are embedded,and will be until they drop dead.This is even
true of overnight freeform,where you have a revolving group of people,who
have thier own night,and refuse to give it up.Have I tried to volunteer ?
Yes. Am I bitter about it ? YOU BET I AM !!!
>     Which is why I say screw it,and want to go on the web.
>        Roger Kulp
> Jim Baldwin <jimbo@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>   > >
> > Is there
> > anyone else on this list who volunteers on community radio?
> I live in NH and one day in '04 I was in a store in Brattleboro, VT
> and heard jazz from a radio. It grabbed my attention and I learned that
> the music was coming from their local community radio station, rfb
> (Radio Free Brattleboro.) This was unlicensed and had years of a
> running battle with the FCC.
> I got involved with the group and in the fall I was on the air two hours a
> week playing my 1920s dance music and jazz along with comedy and
> nostalgia. What a wonderful experience until the FCC closed the
> operation in June, '05.
> I then transferred my show up the river to Bellows Falls, VT where a
> group had a license and started broadcasting in June, '05. We just
> celebrated our first year. We are at www.wool.fm on the internet. My
> show is called "jimmiejazz" airing 1-3 PM Thursdays, Eastern. This
> week I'm playing the complete Five Birmingham Babies who started
> recording in July, 1924.
> The internet is such an amazing thing. I've received mail from Australia,
> Germany and Holland.
> Some of my archived shows are at www.dgarrick.com . The site also
> links to Rich Conaty's excellent programming.
> Jim Baldwin
> ---------------------------------
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