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[ARSCLIST] Workshop Notice: An Introduction to Audio Archives Management

The Society of American Archivists is hosting a full day workshop "An Introduction to Audio Archives Management", July 30th in Washington DC. This is at the beginning of their Annual Conference, held jointly this year with CoSA and NAGARA.

This workshop is appropriate for anyone:
- who has archives experience who wishes to know more about audio
- who has audio experience and is interested to learn about archives management for audio
- interested gaining hands-on experience with common audio media
- interested in our field and seeking a first experience

This workshop is open to both SAA members and non-member, whether or not you are attending the conference. [Personally I recommend members of this list consider both SAA membership and attending this conference.] A CD-ROM of the materials used in the workshop will be distributed to attendees. Attendance is limited to 40.

For more information:


If you’re responsible for the care or management of audio collections, want to know more about machine-readable audio materials, or build on basic knowledge and take advantage of the opportunity to learn in a hands-on “lab” –this workshop is for you! From identification of formats and an understanding of care issues through digitization and disaster planning, this one-day workshop prepares collections managers for basic curatorial assessment of sound recordings. Brought to you by two audio archives veterans with decades of experience, this introductory workshop on the care and handling of audio materials typically found in archives and libraries is what you’re looking for to get started.

Upon completing this workshop, you’ll have:
• Basic knowledge of the most common audio formats in archives;
• Understanding of the most common preservation issues with those formats;
• Know-how to handle common formats safely and to do basic playback for assessment and identification;
• Information on reformatting options and standards, including storage and digitization;
• Hands-on experience handling these formats; and
• An introduction to disaster planning.

Who should attend? Collections managers/archivists, special collections librarians, music librarians, oral historians, those with little or no prior experience with audio materials.

Attendance is limited to 40.


Alan F Lewis
Independent Consultant in Audiovisual Archives

George Blood (Bio)
Safe Sound Archive

Hotel and Travel Information:
The Hilton Washington (1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20009) will serve as the DC 2006 Joint Annual Meeting Headquarters Hotel.
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