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Re: [ARSCLIST] VHS and Beta (was Re: [ARSCLIST] Longevity)

I recall that Roberts/Akai (?) once had an open reel 1/4" B/W video tape recorder that ran at 11 something ips, or at conventional speeds for audio recording

joe salerno

----- Original Message ----- From: "Roger and Allison Kulp" <thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] VHS and Beta (was Re: [ARSCLIST] Longevity)

Didn't Ampex,at one time market an open reel/ R2R video recorder/player? Sometime in the 60s,perhaps ?
Roger Kulp
phillip holmes <insuranceman@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: We had one of those too. A complete quad extravaganza. JBL L100, huge
Marantz receiver, Garrard turntable. It sounded amazing. I see a
surprising number of those "quad" R2R decks. I've seen more of those than
the tapes for some reason. I work on R2Rs for people and those old quad
decks are popular.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Fine"
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 11:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] VHS and Beta (was Re: [ARSCLIST] Longevity)

the reels were cooler. I borrowed a pile of them, transferred them to
digital and burned to DVD-A discs. Some of the quad mixes were pretty
hokey but some were excellent, and the reels were later-era, so they used
decent tape, had less hiss and no edge warpage. Apparently they were
premium-priced, so no 3.75IPS junk either. If the quad disk formats hadn't
been such kludges, the format might have worked, but I think even if the
mass-market version (grooved disks) worked well and sounded great, there
just aren't that many people willing to double the size, cost and
complexity of their sound system. The same wall hit by SACD.

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