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Re: [ARSCLIST] Napster for Opera Lovers?

Karl Miller wrote:
I thought that the article below might be of interest to this group.

For me...the last two paragraphs are the best...

"Now postulate that a group of those with a common interest is formed
under one of the free services, for example, those at Yahoo Groups.
Such a group is the classical music exchange OperaShare

Subject to rules on proper posting, notably including no recordings
currently in print, one may post there the URL for one's recent upload.
Or you may ask for a favorite title which someone is likely to post for
you. If one person asks for a good recording of the 1935 Met broadcast
of "Tristan und Isolde" with Flagstad and Melchior, someone will post
his for download. Then someone else may offer a copy from a better
source or one which has been cleaned up. Regardless, the recording is
available at an investment of interconnect time - and no other cost."'


Please note that in the material I supplied there is no mention of copyright issues. They are clearly relevant but have not been addressed in either of the services cited except for the prohibition on currently available commercial recordings.

This combination of services is not the equivalent of Napster in one critical area: the files are provided from a single server via HTTP, not distributed as in previous file sharing. That may prove relevant to issues of rights. Anyone downloading is infringing, but neither service in itself may be liable. Or both may be liable - TBD.


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