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Re: [ARSCLIST] Orphan works.

From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad

Dear All,

I have visions of mental asylums becoming the largest source of income for 
the record companies. It seems they own the copyright to the rocking back-and-
forth and humming that some inmates seem to do incessantly. The needle drop 
charges are horrendous, but the performances are compulsive, and it all adds 

Kind regards,


> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Robert Hodge" <rjhodge@xxxxxxx>
> > HUZZAH !
> > A good start.
> > 
> Actually, given the attitudes of the RRIA and its members, I'm
> rather surprised that they didn't decree that in the case of
> "orphan works" (like my thousand or so Grey Gull discs) royalties
> and charges for use shell be paid to the RRIA (CRIA in Canada)
> who shall distribute such funds as they deem appropriate...
> Why, there may be thousands of evildoers...possibly terrorists...
> who are currently trying to obtain downloads of "Since Willy Got
> a Whippet" without paying a single cent for the privilege!
> Steven C. Barr
> (tongue fixed firmly in cheek...)

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