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Re: [ARSCLIST] monitoring headphones

Buon giorno Francesco,

Here's a short-list of headphones you might want to check out:
*	AKG K-240, K-601 
*	Sony MDR-7506, MDR-V7509, MDR-CD3000, MDR-V900 
*	Sennheiser EH2270, HD560, HD570, HD6000
*	Beyerdynamic DT-831 
*	Grado SR60
*	Fostex T20

Arrivederci e buona fortuna,

Jonathan Wise
Archives audiovisuelles / Audiovisual Archives
Musée canadien des civilisations / Canadian Museum of Civilization

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List [mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Francesco Martinelli
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 3:46 AM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ARSCLIST] monitoring headphones

I need to change the headphones we are using at the archive, and I hope I 
can tap the collective wisdom of the list, which model did you find more 
suitable to monitor transfers from analog to digital and limited sound 
cleaning (for listening purposes, not CD reissues).
Thanks for any tip
Francesco Martinelli
c/o Centro Studi Arrigo Polillo
Associazione Siena jazz
Fortezza Medicea, 10
53100 Siena - Italy

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