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[ARSCLIST] Vinyl use and access policies

Please excuse the newbie posting -- I hope I don't come off as too 
uninformed. I'm a grad student at the University of Maryland working on a 
field study at the Maryland Historical Society. I'm working with a 
collection of about 2,500 gospel records, most of which are vinyl LPs. 
I've been tasked with determining industry standards and making 
suggestions for processing the collection.

This list and many of your websites have been very helpful in tracking 
down related readings. My subsequent intention is to recommend direct use 
of the LPs handled only by staff, with digitization done on an as needed 
basis (instead of digitizing the entire collection in advance). What I 
would really like to know is how similar collections are providing access 
to researchers and the equipment in use. I'm particularly interested in 
access policies (number of uses, handling procedure), when and why you 
digitize, and any and all equipment in use including playback, listening 
stations, and digitization (and perhaps some links to dealers?).

Thanks very much in advance,
Lisa Colaianne
UofM student

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