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Re: [ARSCLIST] Recording bagpipes (was:portable sound recording devices)

I was on tour for years with a company that included uilleann pipes, which I believe are not as loud as the Scottish type --so the following may not apply. But just in case it helps, I will say that my favourite mics for this purpose were probably the tiny, omni and amazing Crown GLM-100 (two of them, clipped close to the drone/chanter), or two Shure KSM-32s a few feet away, always pointed at angles to the wind "columns".


--On Wednesday, April 19, 2006 5:51 AM -0700 Lani Spahr <lani_spahr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

--- Lou Judson <loujudson@xxxxxxx> wrote:

I'd just like to "pipe" in with a reminder that I think the original
inquiry was about recording classes?

Lou - (bringing us all back to the original question) :-)

Yes, just recoding his private lesson with teachers comments. Not
hi-fi, just resonable quality and undistorted.

I do appreciate ALL the comments!


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