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Re: [ARSCLIST] Audio equipment cable shielding

I have used nothing but MOSFET based power amplifiers for years. David Hafler is one brand I can recommend. I have a second  in the other listening room , but can't remember the brand.It is used extensively in motion picture theatre sound systmems.

Unfortunately, there are no consumer level devices that I know of which use balanced inputs. Balanced inputs and outputs are usually in the domain of professional level equipments. 

There is one thing that comes to mind though. If you have a receiver or other device with a poorly designed and shielded power transformer too close to your turntable, the transformer can easily induce hum in the pickup. Moving the offending device far away enough to eliminate that source of hum will just be defeated by the hum pickup from the too long signal cables from the turntable.

Catch 22 above !

 That's why my power amplifiers are well removed from the turntable area. And they have properly shielded transformer. Ditto the preamps.

Bob Hodge

Robert Hodge,
Senior Engineer
Belfer Audio Archive
Syracuse University
222 Waverly Ave .
Syracuse N.Y. 13244-2010

315-443- 7971

>>> nauck@xxxxxxxxx 4/19/2006 2:49 PM >>>
I really appreciate all of the help! It has been very enlightening, and I'm 
sure we're going to get the problems solved. There are actually several 
issues I will need to address.

The first thing I need to do is replace my amp; it is old, noisy, and 
starting to give me trouble. Does anyone have a recommendation for 
something useful in a small studio environment (with XLR jacks)?

Kurt & Diane Nauck

c/o Nauck's Vintage Records
22004 Sherrod Ln.
Spring, TX  77389

Website: www.78rpm.com 
E-Mail: nauck@xxxxxxxxx 

Phone: (281) 288-7826
Fax: (425) 930-6862

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