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Re: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] RCA symphonic work competition - 1929

On 19/04/06, Robert Hodge wrote:
> O.K.
> Here is what the special sleeve for Victor record 36000 has to say :

Thanks for that. I will file it with the Naxos "Skyscrapers" CD which
includes the two winning compositions.

> Side A-  At the top of the sleeve:
> " This is the $15,000 VICTOR RECORD"
> " It is significant that, in conducting a competition for American
> comoposers, the Victor Talking Machine Company has observed the
> importance of modern music in the popular style.For more than a
> generation it has been the particular privilege of the Victor
> Companyto satisfy all musical needs , and all musical tastes. Its
> ability to do so is self- evident in the roster of famous names that
> have won the distinction of " Victor Artists". And this embraces the
> first- rank performers, not only in the operatic, symphonic and
> concert fields, but in the broad field of popular jazz, song and
> entertainment.
> The American musical scene includes, in a conspicuous place, what is
> known as "concert jazz" music. Herein, at present, lie great
> possibilities of American contribution to musical art. Realising these
> possibilities, Victor in conformity with its policy of promoting every
> worthy musical activity, has encouraged American composers in this
> idiom with the same enthusiasm that it devotes to the promotion of the
> classical forms of music. The record herein, it is believed,fully
> realises the purpose striven for.
> Side B-
> Top: " This is the $15,000 VICTOR RECORD"
> " The music on this record has been awarded the prises in the contest
> conducted by the Victor Talking Machine company, among composers of
> American citizenship, for the best concert compositions within the
> playing scope of the American dance, jazz or popular concert
> orchestra. The judges decided, after careful examination of all the
> music submitted, and after an audition of the outsatnding compositions
> by full orchestra, that the composition on the " A" side of this
> record was clearly entitled to the first prize of $10,000; that on the
> " B" side to second prise of$5,000. The aim of the contest was to
> produce a purely American work in the popular style, and to encourage
> the art of musical compositionin the United States. In both respects
> the contest has been successful, hundreds of composers entering their
> work, with the result thatthis truly beautiful, modern music, American
> in origin and style, has ben produced. This recordwill be a keepsake
> of great historical value, as well as a source of musical pleasure ,
> through the years to come."
> All of this on 2 sides of a 12 inch sleeve printed in green ink. With
> an elaborate artistic pattern around the edges of the sleeve, in
> green.

Don Cox

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