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[ARSCLIST] Music Library Association 2006 awards announcement

The Music Library Association is pleased to announce its 2006 awards, given at our 75th Anniversary meeting in Memphis, Tennessee. A summary appears below. More information on each award is available at <www.musiclibraryassoc.org> under the News section of the home page.


- The Vincent H. Duckles Award for the best book-length bibliography or other research tool in music: Speaking of Music: Music Conferences, 1835-1966. James R. Cowdery, Zdravko Bla?ekoviæ, Barry S. Brook, gen. eds. New York: Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale, 2004. RILM Retrospective Series, No. 4.

- The Richard S. Hill Award for the best article on music librarianship or article of a music-bibliographic nature: Kiri Miller for ??First Sing the Notes': Oral and Written Traditions in Sacred Harp Transmission," American Music 22 (Winter 2004): 475-501.

- The Eva Judd O'Meara Award for the best review published in Notes: Mary Sue Morrow, for her review of Daniel Heartz, Music in European Capitals: The Galant Style, 1720-1780, in Notes vol. 60, no. 4 (June 2004): 958-961.

- The Dena Epstein Award for Archival and Library Research in American Music: to Robin Rausch and David Hursh. Ms. Rausch, a Senior Music Specialist at the Library of Congress, is writing a full-length biography on the extraordinary legacy of Marian MacDowell, the wife and widow of Edward MacDowell. David Hursh, Music Librarian at East Carolina University, is researching the life and times of Alice Person, a name little known outside of North Carolina but a woman who had a lasting impact on the culture of that region.

- The Walter Gerboth Award in support of members who are in the first five years of their professional library careers, to assist research-in-progress in music or music librarianship: to Christopher Mehrens, Music Reference Librarian at the Cunningham Memorial Library of the Indiana State University, Terre Haute. His research is toward a comprehensive annotated bibliography dedicated to American music criticism.

MLA awards the Kevin Freeman Travel Grant to students, recent graduates, or other colleagues who are new to the profession for support to attend their annual meetings. Rebecca McCallum, Terra Mobley, and Cassidy R. Sugimoto were awarded the 2006 Freeman Grant to attend MLA?s recent 2006 meeting.

- Rebecca McCallum is a student in the M.L.S. program at the State University of New York at Buffalo. She is also employed as an Acquisitions Assistant at the Sibley Music Library, Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY. She has an M.A. in Musicology from Eastman, and a B.A. in German Studies from Dartmouth College.

- Terra Mobley is Music Librarian at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She has an M.L.I.S. from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a B.S. in Music Education from Roberts Wesleyan College in Rochester, New York.

- Cassidy R. Sugimoto is a first-year graduate student at School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she also received her B.M. in Flute Performance. She is currently a graduate assistant in Music Cataloging and the Music Library.

Ken Calkins, MLA Publicity Officer
Music Librarian
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive #0175Q
La Jolla, CA 92093 -0175
voice: 858-534-1267
fax: 858-534-0189

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