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Re: [ARSCLIST] Zits cartoon strip

This is an unrealistic expectation. The generation that knows how to create websites is not interested in this stuff. The guy who wrote the town history which I used to get my answer did it on a manual typewriter. I'm thankful the library preserves it for all to see (someone had laminated all the pages and put it into a loose-leaf binder.

Some libraries (mostly, it seems, in or near tech havens) have tech dudes who can create and maintain robust websites.

Why I find frustrating is how book publishers and librarians went on the war-path over Google's plan to have most published texts searchable (NOT downloadable or "stealable" -- just searchable). If they ever pull off this idea (which may not happen because Google is starting to resemble a dot-bomb in many ways), one could do one's catalog search very easily in one place AND be linked to an instant "item finder" at local bookstores and libraries. I can see how publishers would feel threatened but libraries have to realize this might build foot traffic among younger folks, which will guarantee their "form factor" will survive another generation. Otherwise, they're doomed.

----- Original Message ----- From: <Mwcpc6@xxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Zits cartoon strip

In a message dated 3/23/2006 6:06:00 PM Eastern Standard Time,
tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
Point is, no place but the Bedford Hills library is going to have that info.

It should and needs to be on the Bedford Hills Library web site, or that of
the Bedford Hills Historical Society.

The Internet is very new yet there are remarkably detailed web sites for many
museums, libraries, chambers of commerce and historical associations.  In
time, it will be online or will cease to exist.

The small, very specialized, museum I volunteer at is very conservative and
those of us who are somewhat computer literate are meeting resistance to
putting any of the collections online. Furthermore there is no money or expertise
for extensive environmental storage and restoration. Therefore records,
especially audio and video, are deteriorating, while they remain unseen and untouched
by human hands.

Unless this material is put online, where it can be accessed, copied, and
preserved in some way by the one person in a million who has some interest in it,
it will disappear from the historical record in a decade or so. Only one in a
hundred million is likely to make a cross continent trip to use the material
in that time. (This reflects the current use of the facility by the 300+
million people on this continent.)

Everyone involved in the preservation of history needs to make use of this
incredible resource that is developing and make sure it isn't handicapped by
technical and rights issues.

Mike Csontos

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